Creating Color and Texture

For those who have discovered the art of glass fusing, experimentation could be their path to creation. There are no hard and fast rules on what is acceptable, and it is a medium that has not yet been fully explored. Plenty of artists and crafters have looked at it, but they are still finding potential ways to create with it. Being in the forefront of a craft can be an exciting time, and those who love creating color and texture together could advance it even if they are not professionals.

There are plenty of glass pieces in the world today that many people might toss in the trash, but they can be salvage and remade into something new. People interested in this art often find their friends are willing to keep older glass pieces for them, so supply is not necessarily an issue. Combining pieces together in the kiln is where the art really excels, so keeping an eye out for pieces that might melt at different temperatures could be a good way to create unique works.

Glass is often made for a specific purpose, and the ingredients can be differed slightly to create it. Some ingredients melt at a lower temperature than others, and this is how creating pieces with varying textures can be applied. It could be difficult for an artist to figure out before melting what will work best, but experimentation has long been a staple for any artist.

Those who have figured out which pieces of glass will work best with their own methods often find there is a good supply of what they need in shops that carry older pieces. They could learn to enjoy hunting for what they need, or they might find a friend who loves to shop. Combining glasses with different melting temperatures is often easy to do when they have different colors and uses, so those with an eye for combining colors and textures have a starting point for their experiments.